Sunday, December 27, 2015

Quality Time in the Sewing Room!

I was able to finish three projects this weekend.  First, this blouse, which I started in November but it got shelved so I could work on Christmas stuff.  Not really sewing stuff for Christmas, shopping, wrapping, baking - all that stuff!

Then I made this t-shirt out of fabric that was leftover from a dress.  I bought this at Mood about 4 years ago, and love the look of it, but I'm not so enamored with the clingyness of it.  So I chose to add rouching to the sides.  It came out nice, but it's still going to be hanging in the closet for a while......

I also made this simple, cute cape (which sounds so much better than poncho, doesn't it?).  It's one piece of wool, sewn together. 

I added a simple decorative stitch around the edges with matching thread.  I always like the look of tone-of-tone stitch. 
Not bad for three days.  And not three full days, just whatever time I could grab.  Next up:  leggings and appliquéd onesies for the sweet little granddaughter.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Luke Bryan's Acoustic Show

What a treat.  A conversation and acoustic show by Luke Bryan.  We already know he puts on a great show, but seeing him in a smaller venue, with an interviewer - 

and then just him and his guitar telling stories and singing songs was awesome.

The Country Music Hall of Fame has begun doing these conversations and atypical shows with the country music stars whom they are showcasing in their exhibits.  They are always fun.  In addition to Luke Bryan, we've seen Kenny Rogers and Crystal Gale.

One thing very different about today's show is that he was wandering through the crowd before the show and taking selfies with some of the fans.  Unfortunately he was on the stage level and we were in the balcony.  It was still a fun show to watch.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Has he created the world around him to mirror himself? Or has he been swallowed up and molded by it?

Perhaps he has the best of both worlds and it is a comfortable blending of the two.
These are the thoughts in my head as I looked at this sculpture.  When I first saw it I only saw the orb.  It wasn't until I got closer that I realized there is a person inside.  The figures are composed of letters from nine alphabets.

Like all of the sculptures in the Jaime Plensa Human Landscape exhibit, it is thought provoking.  The simple beauty, and the way that they actually seem to be a part of the landscape is breathtaking.  

Outside the main entrance is a 23' tall sculpture called Laura with Bun.
 There is a similar Jaime Plensa sculpture on the grounds at the Frist Center for Visual Arts.  That one is named Isabella.  Laura is actually facing in the direction of Isabella.

The Soul of Words I and II are posed to imitate two people in conversation.
Thoughts is just that - thoughts and phrases swirling around.

Silent Music made me think about those who have music in their souls

He created this one in part because Nashville is Music City.  He wanted to honor the diversity of musical history in the city.  When the exhibition is over, this sculpture will stay at Cheekwood and become part of the permanent exhibit.

Awilda and Irma is an unusual stainless steel mesh created in a pond.  He wanted to underscore the relationship to the landscape by installing it in the pond, and also to bring water, light and air together.  There is an amazing amount of detail to these, and a few steps in any direction will bring a change of the facial features.

The Heart of Trees are seven bronze figures, with their limbs wrapped around trees and the names of composers from the 19th and 20th centuries.  They are quite striking.

These were my favorite part of the exhibit.  Well, maybe my second favorite part.  I really liked the Silent Music sculpture.  But these are awesome.

Near the reflecting pool is Rul Rul's World.  She is a marble figure, whose variations in the color of the marble add to the beauty of the statue.  From the side view, she appears to be solid white marble.  It't not until you get in front of her that you begin to see the color variations.

There were also some pieces inside the museum.  For some reason I found the inside pieces to be very haunting.  Uncomfortably so.  I couldn't get decent pictures inside as you couldn't use the flash on the camera.  As I neared the exit, I heard piano music.  It is the first time I've heard the grand piano being played.  And played beautifully.  He paused between each song to tell us what he was playing.

In addition to the sculptures and the music, I enjoyed the time walking around the botanical gardens.  It was a cool day, with the threat of rain, so it wasn't terribly crowded.  

As I walked, I was treated to the beauty of the gardens and the wonderful autumn show that nature brings us.

Goodbye until next time.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

How I spent my long weekend

Well, at least part of it.  My sewing room doubles as a guest room - there's a day bed/twin trundle bed in there.  We don't use it as a guest room very often, but I do use it as a sewing room frequently.  I was tired of the day bed looking like a bed, and wanted it to look more like a daybed - or couch, which is how I generally use it.  When I work from home it's my office but I use it as a couch when I'm hand sewing.

This is what it looked like on Friday morning
I found those pillow recently at Big Lots.  The price was right - with good reason!
They remind me of something out of that kids show Rugrats.  Remember that show?  My kids used to watch it all the time.

Anyway, I went to Joann's on Friday because they were having a sale and I had some coupons, a four day weekend, and a hankering to sew.  I got these fabrics
Two days later - this is what my couch looks like
No more rugrats!!

And.......I still have one day left to my weekend!  How awesome is that!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

What about Anna?

  1. Recently one of the girls at work said "I'm all tore up about Josh Duggar".  (Yes, she is a southern girl.  Why do you ask?)  All I can think is - poor Anna.  What about Anna?

    Anna is 27 years old with four children, and is basically unequipped to be a single mom.  She's one of eight kids, all of whom were homeschooled and raised Independent Fundamentalist Baptist.  To me this is nothing short of brainwashing.  You keep them contained in your small, sheltered world and teach them what you think they should know, not allowing them to socialize and learn the ways of the world.  No doubt Anna has been raised to believe that the man is the head of the household and when you marry - it is forever.  Till death do you part.  

    You know what bothers me the most?  That she likely blames herself for Josh's philandering.  She is probably sitting at home, praying, and trying to figure out what she's done wrong.

    Anna, you haven't done anything wrong.  You have done exactly what you were raised to do.  It's your husband who has done wrong.  Big time.  And more than once.  You can only control your actions - no one else's, and Josh's problems began long before you came into his life.  His parents chose to sweep them under the carpet and hope they went away.  Well guess what - they didn't.

    Anna, you have done exactly what your beliefs led you to do.  You are well-groomed, well-mannered, you married a man who could provide for you, and performed your wifely duties as requested.  Now here you are, married for almost seven years to a man who is not who you thought he was.  A man who has led a hidden life for more years than you've known him.  He should hang his head in shame every day of his life.  But he probably won''t because that's not how he was raised.  

    Let this be a lesson to all of us.  Raise your children well.  

    Raise your daughters to be strong, independent, loving and kind women.   Raise them so they are educated, self-confident, honest and proud.  Raise Elin's, not Anna's.  

    Raise your sons to be kind, respectful, loving men who are true to themselves and at ease in world.  Raise men who are educated, self-confident, honest and proud.  

    Teach your children to love themselves.  Until you love yourself you'll never be able to love anyone else.  Teach them to follow the rules but don't be afraid to step out of their comfort zone.  

    And most importantly parents, love your children.  Unconditionally.  Love the good things about them and don't ignore the bad.  Praise them and discipline them.  Get them counseling when they need it in the same way you get them medical help when they need it.  We do a disservice by ignoring mental health issues.

    What about Anna?  What does she do now?  I don't know, but I wish her the best.  If I could, I would give her a big, long hug.  My heart aches for her.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Sweet Little Baby Girl

This sweet little granddaughter of mine
is almost 4 weeks old already.  My how she has already changed
And changed the lives of all of us.  Isn't it funny how babies do that?  When you're holding them you can forget everything else going on in your life.  It's all about the baby.

I won't get to see her again in person for a few months - but the pictures are great.  I'll keep them coming so you can all follow along!!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

A 'Pinterest'y Baby Shower

Here are a few of the things that were inspired by hours and hours of trolling  a few leisurely looks at Pinterest.

Laura found lots of game ideas.  She had Nursery Rhyme Fill-In-The Blank, Baby Shower Bingo - using Starburst candy for markers, and gifts received for the Bingo squares, a couple of calendar pages for guessing the baby's birth day (the due date is July 30, so we were spanning July and August, and Guess How Much I Love You, using Hershey kisses and a baby bottle bank.
I made lots of handmade goodies for this little baby - drool bibs, a taggie blanket, hats, a small quilt and my favorites - monster bibs

We had two sets of favors - Chocolate covered pretzels, drizzled with pink and blue 
and clear boxes filled with animal crackers and a tea bag.
 And Jenn got this sweet 'guest book'.  
 Each person at the shower added their fingerprint to complete the tree and this now has a place of honor in the nursery.
Everything was wonderful - and with so many talented people helping to plan and execute, we had a wealth of crafty, beautiful items.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Team Boy or Team Girl?

That was the question we asked at the baby shower.  Since we don't know the gender, we thought it would be fun to use photo props and have everyone pick.
Team Boy

And Team Girl

We'll have to wait and see!!