Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Think Fast!!

Did you know that January first is the deadline to end production of incandescent light bulbs?  In a recent Sylvania survey, just a little over half of the population was aware.  

You'd better think fast before this
Looks like this

If you've already had trouble finding the bulbs you were looking for, that could be because the government began phasing out 100- and 75-watt light bulbs in 2012 and 2013 respectively. The elimination of 60- and 40-watt bulbs will have a much greater impact because they are the two most popular bulbs on the market.  It's still perfectly legal to buy incandescent light bulbs as long as supplies last - companies just can't import or manufacture any new ones.  So, instead of incandescent light bulbs, we will have to choose from halogen incandescents, LED's (light emitting diodes) or CFL's (compact fluorescent lamps).

They are all supposed to save us money and be environmentally better - I'll wait and see.   By all accounts Thomas Edison was a pretty forward-thinking guy (not that I'm old enough to have known him), so he would probably be pleased to see this happening.

In the meantime, no more terrariums,

or ships in a lightbulb (!!?!)

What Would Uncle Fester Do?

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