Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Think Fast!!

Did you know that January first is the deadline to end production of incandescent light bulbs?  In a recent Sylvania survey, just a little over half of the population was aware.  

You'd better think fast before this
Looks like this

If you've already had trouble finding the bulbs you were looking for, that could be because the government began phasing out 100- and 75-watt light bulbs in 2012 and 2013 respectively. The elimination of 60- and 40-watt bulbs will have a much greater impact because they are the two most popular bulbs on the market.  It's still perfectly legal to buy incandescent light bulbs as long as supplies last - companies just can't import or manufacture any new ones.  So, instead of incandescent light bulbs, we will have to choose from halogen incandescents, LED's (light emitting diodes) or CFL's (compact fluorescent lamps).

They are all supposed to save us money and be environmentally better - I'll wait and see.   By all accounts Thomas Edison was a pretty forward-thinking guy (not that I'm old enough to have known him), so he would probably be pleased to see this happening.

In the meantime, no more terrariums,

or ships in a lightbulb (!!?!)

What Would Uncle Fester Do?

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Oh those crazy kids

Google likes to add all sorts of animations to the pictures I have stored on their site.   Some are good - some not so good.  This one I like.  This was taken last year (2012) at Thanksgiving.  The 'kids' were clearly having good time.

On the couch - from left to right - Kris, Brad, Tim, Josh, Andy.
On the floor - Reilly, Lianna, Logan, Justice, Laura

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on, our troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the yule-tide gay
From now on, our troubles will be miles away

Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more

Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Stroll Through the Village

One of my favorite houses is this little Bungalow
It's so pretty, and nicely decorated.  On the left you can almost see the snowman that the kids just built and there's a cardinal singing in the tree overhead.

Of course we have a wood carver. You  can see the shavings underneath his feet along with the treasures he has already carved on the table behind him.  I think Jim would love to have the opportunity to do this -- although he would prefer flip flops over snow boots.

Behind the wood carver is a stack of logs that I imagine he uses to heat his house, which is this adorable log and stone cabin.  I love the birdhouses, the birdbath and the little gnome in the front yard. 

Here is Santa and Mommy.  They dance around the living room to 'I saw Mommy kissing Santa Clause'. 
And this the where Santa nd Mrs. Clause relax in front of the fire.  I love the detail inside the house.  There's a mantle that's all decorated with greenery, candles and stockings, as well as a fire in the fireplace.  So comfy and inviting.

 At the Christmas Tree Lot there is a fundraiser going on and a Dad and son have just picked out their tree and are hauling it home in their little red wagon.

No doubt they'll pass the BBQ joint.  Maybe even stop in for lunch.  There's nothing like a meat and three to draw you in! Andy bought us this house, I think the first year we live in Tennessee.  A worthy addition to the village!

And of course we have Santa!!
He's at the train station welcoming everyone because there's no place like home for the holidays!!
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

My Christmas Village

I have been collecting Snow Village pieces for -- oh, probably 15 years. I have a great variety of buildings and love displaying it every year. One of my coworkers has been asking every day patiently waiting to see pictures. So, Tiffany, this post is for you. The pictures aren't great. Partly because the only natural light is being blocked by the Christmas Tree.

Before I show you all the houses, here is what that wall looks like


The train station takes up the entire width of the mantle. I put greenery and lights behind it, just because I like it that way. There is a switch that turns on the music and it plays 'There's no place like home for the holidays".

This side of the mantle has a french restaurant and a movie theater on the top shelf, two houses on the center shelf (the one on the left has Santa and Mrs. Clause sitting in their living room chairs in front of the fire, the one on the right has a key to wind it up and you can see the couple inside dancing around the living room) and an irish pub and a bbq joint on the bottom.

And the other side has two houses on the top shelf, the center shelf has a place that sells Christmas Trees and a covered bridge, and the bottom has a house and a woodworkers shop.

I have broken some pieces over the years - but I've also added to it. I haven't found it in any of the stores around here. I enjoy it and hope to continue to display it every year.

Christmas wouldn't be complete without a picture of our tree.

Happy Holidays everyone!!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Nana's Birthday

Today would have been Nana's birthday.

Nana loved spending time with family, and we loved spending time with her.
She has the cutest grandchildren - of course she's smiling!!
Happy Birthday Nana!!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ricky Skaggs - Country Boy at Heart

The Country Music Hall of Fame has a program called the Artist-In-Residence.  It honors a musical master who can be credited with contributing a large and significant body of work to the canon of American popular music.  Honorees are given a blank canvas and are encouraged to lend their own creative brushstrokes to an up-close-and-personal musical experience.  This year's artist was Ricky Scaggs.  We have an annual membership to The Hall, so we got advance notice of tickets and ordered early.

 The show began a few minutes late - he claims he was stuck in traffic.  
I, for one, don't doubt it!  
 Her performed with The Whites.  Sharon White (closest to him) is his wife of 32 years.  Her sister and father (playing the piano) are the other members of The Whites.
 Brad Paisley joined the fun.
 After intermission, he came out with Sharon and Cheryl and said that since The Hall spent so much money on their recent upgrades, he thought they should try singing a cappella.  Wow! 
 Emmy Lou Harris and Linda Ronstadt were actually two of his earliest supporters.  They gave him his start on tv to help expand his audience.  Linda Ronstadt was unable to perform - she was recently diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease and can no longer perform.  Emmy Lou Harris joined him for a couple songs, and a couple stories.  She told about the first time they all sang together for a tv show and during editing they cut Ricky's part and it ended up on the cutting room floor.
 Another special guest was his daughter, Molly.  She plays the banjo (and probably a few more instruments) and has a lovely voice.  And she thinks her dad is awesome.
This is Ricky Skaggs on the left, Brad Paisley on the right, and that guy in the middle?  Peter Frampton.  Yup, that Peter Frampton.  He's this little, unassuming guy who came out in his Chuck Taylors and absolutely rocked.  That man can still play a guitar!  He recently recorded some songs with Ricky Skaggs for a gospel album.  Album?  I mean CD of course!!  

Where else would you ever see that trio on stage performing together?

Only in Nashvegas Baby - Music City.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Andy

Wow - another birthday.  It seems like just yesterday I was holding this sweet little boy for the first time  
and then before you know it, he's a big brother  
And going to school  
and little league   
and boy scouts  
and girlfriends 
and high school  
and then he's a happy, healthy, successful adult with a beautiful wife.
Where do the years go?  
I don't know the answer to that, but I do know that I couldn't have asked for a better son.  
Happy Birthday!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy Birthdays

Yup, I do mean that in the plural.  Happy Birthday to my big sister, Joyce

And my nephew Norrin

Norrin was born on Joyce's birthday, so she always said she gave him her birthday and she was going to be 21 forever.  So, I guess that now makes her my younger sister.

In fact, pretty soon she'll be young enough to be Norrin's offspring - in a Timetravelers Wife kind of way.  Ok, now it's just getting weird.

Anyway, Happy Birthday both of you!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mmmm - a nice fall breakfast

It's not really cold this morning, but I was looking for something that would keep me full for the morning. I feel like my to do list is yellowing from age and I need to get some things crossed off. So instead of boring old cold cereal and fruit, I opted for good old fashioned oatmeal

Not those salty, individual packets - real oatmeal. I added some pumpkin and some pumpkin pie spice to the water and set it to boil

Then added the oatmeal


and five minutes later - a great fall breakfast

As I'm sitting here waiting for my breakfast to cool down enough to eat, the sky looks like this.....

Happy Saturday Y'all!!


Sunday, October 13, 2013

There's a dragon in the yard

This is the weekend for our 'cousin getaway'. We all arrived yesterday and are having a great time. When we picked up the key for the rental, they said "There's a dragon in the yard". Sure enough - there's a dragon.

It's all made of driftwood - the head

the torso


and the tail.

Kind of cool - in a beachy / artsy kind of way.

We are right on the beach

Not much sun, but lots of laughter and rest. Perfect getaway.