Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Happy Birthday Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash, born February 26, 1932

The Man in Black.  He was quite a character.  He sang some great songs with a very distinctive sound.  One of my favorites is actually 'I'm Going to Jackson', a duet with this wife June Carter Cash.  Choosing my favorite solo song is hard.  I guess it would have to be 'A Boy Named Sue'.  

I heard this song called 'One Piece at a Time' recently for the first time.  It's pretty funny - have you heard it?


  1. Thanks for posting! My kids and I got a kick out of this--my 18 month old is named Cash, after Johnny. Found you through Chrisy's blog.

  2. Welcome - and come back anytime! I'm glad you enjoyed it! He's one of my favorite performers and I couldn't let the day go by without a mention.
