Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sochi 2014

I love watching the Olympics, don't you? Knowing that all of those competitors dreamed of someday becoming Olympians, and now we get to watch their dreams come true. So powerful. You can see the joy in their faces during the opening ceremony.

As I watched last night, I was internally critiquing the outfits. If you don't want to know what was going through my head, you should probably stop reading now. I'll share my 'best' and 'worst' with you - and maybe a few more.

Let's start with Team USA. I LOVE that they are there despite all of the security concerns. Their courage and determination shines through. Look how happy they are! Sadly, I thought their Ugly-Christmas-sweater-turned-Olympic-opening-ceremony-outfit was one of the worst. And white pants? Before Memorial Day? They're not winter white, they're white white. Winter white would have at least matched the sweaters. Who voted on these? And what did the losing choices look like?????

I actually liked these Russian coats -- I chose them as my 'best'. Lots of people didn't like them. I think they may be a little cliche, but well done. I can imaging wearing this coat. And then I wonder if they get to choose which color coat they wear, or does someone else pick -- random question, but does anyone know?

And then there are the Swedes. I love the combination of the cobalt and yellow. The coats are great - the color, the length, the off-center zipper are all good. Hats and gloves - good and good. The pants? Well, they're......pants. OK, I admit - I just wanted to mention the Swedes.

And did you hear about these guys? The Jamaican Bobsled Team -- they moved from Jamaican to Colorado to train - Talk about culture shock! They didn't have the funds for equipment and travel so they started an online fundraising campaign and eventually had to ask people to stop donating - they raised something like $178,000. How's that for an Olympic dream!

Unfortunately their luggage did not arrive in Sochi with them. So they borrowed equipment and practiced eventually getting their luggage. Talk about overcoming obstacles.

And I like the outfits on the women who are leading each of the countries. They are unique and attractive.

Congrats to Team USA for winning the first Gold Medal of this Olympics!!

And can you tell me why there's a giant Babushka on the slopestyle course???

Best of Luck to all the teams!

1 comment:

  1. LOL this is great, like l got to watch the opening ceremony with you.
    Have to admit, l had the same thought about the USA uniform. I thought their jackets looked like Christmas jumpers !! I though the Russian coats were cool too.
    Now don't quote me on it, but l think the Babushka dolls are on the course as an added obstacle, and if the competitors can incorporate the doll into their routine and touch it? they get extra points?
    I'm watching the Skelton as l type this, crazy, crazy stuff :)
