I see other bloggers posting pictures of their days - like 15 on the 15th where every month on the 15th day they post 15 pictures of their day - and I can't imagine posting 15 pictures of my day. Maybe my life is too mundane, or too predictable, but what would I take pictures of? The inside of my car? Traffic? My office? They don't change much from one month to the next. I decided instead that I would start what I am calling "A Day In The Life". Every month, on one day, I'll post pictures of my day. The number of pictures, day of the month, and the month will all be the same number. Starting today, May 5 - I'll post five pictures. On June 6, six pictures, and so on. Make sense? It's a simple formula, but all that 'number matching' plays right into my most Virgo-est tendencies -- and it's easy to remember!
Before I head to work I like to bring some snacks and lunch. Today I had a banana for a morning snack, sweet potato, cut up veggies and an apple for lunch. I have a container of hummus at work, so I had some of that with the carrots and celery. And a yogurt for later in the afternoon.
It's election time in Nashville and I drive by a couple voting stations. I couldn't help but take a picture of this array of signs. Not only is District Attorney Funk running for office, so is Judge Dread. How awesome is that -- it's like a WWF name. Or a monster truck. Judge Dread.
Here's my office. With my first task of the day waiting for me in my chair.
The polar bear snowball fight statue is at a very busy intersection in the Edgehill section of Nashville. They do seem a little out of place here in the south, but they are a beloved piece of Nashville history.
My commute is anywhere from 45 to 75 minutes each way. Sometimes I listen to music and sometimes I listen to books. Today I was listening to music on the way home and a Peter Frampton song came on. It reminded me that we saw him not too long ago. He a short, old dude - up on stage in his Chuck Taylor's absolutely rocking that guitar. He's such a talented musician.
Until next time.....
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