Sunday, May 18, 2014

Blueberry Crumb Bars

These are so good!!

 I didn't have fresh local blueberries, but they were on sale this week and I got a lot - a lot more than we could eat before they went bad.  At first I thought I would freeze some, but then I thought I should bake something.   So began the long process of searching Pinterest for a recipe.  After hours of searching (it's so easy to get sidetracked in Pinterest!)  I made these.  Here's the link to the recipe

I didn't have enough all purpose flour, so I used half all purpose flour and half rice flour.  The rice flour seems to be a finer grind, so I think it would have been a bit 'heavier' with only all purpose flour.    But you could make a pretty decent gluten free version of these.  I think I will try using half whole wheat flour next time. They would be great with that little bit of nutty flavor and it would add a great texture.

All in all - really good!  And I'm neither a foody nor a cook.  I think this brings the list of edible things I make to six.......

They were so good that we had them for dessert last night and Jim ate
 it again for breakfast.  Fruit, flour, eggs = breakfast!!


  1. That looks awesome! Thanks for the link to the recipe!

    1. You're welcome. Let me know if you try them - and what fruit you use to make them. I'm always interested to see how people take a standard recipe and make it their own.
