Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Day at the Beach

Last summer we went to Cape Cod for Andy and Jenn's wedding.  We had hoped to get some good beach time because, having moved inland, we REALLY miss the beach.  There's something so calming about the sound and smell of the ocean.  The pure power and size of the ocean remind me of how small we really are.  Unfortunately it was also the weekend that a tropical storm came to the Cape.  So much for beach time - and an outdoor wedding.   It was a beautiful wedding, a lovely weekend with family and friends, and we couldn't have asked for anything more.

We were in staying at a Bed-and-Breakfast in Orleans, and went over to Skaket Beach one day (it may have been the day of the shark siting at Orleans Beach...... ) and saw this Fiddler Crab
They just look so unbalanced.  With the one big claw - like a sci-fi move gone bad.

Apparently this is a male, as the females claws are both the same size.   The males use their large claw in some sort of mating ritual.  The female chooses a mate based on his ability to wave his large claw - she can tell the size of his 'burrow' and then chooses the appropriate burrow size for her clutch of eggs.

All I know is that he was scurrying across the sand - and he may have been intimidated by us, but he kept going.  Perhaps realizing that we were intruders in his native habitat and would soon be gone.

Linking up with Chrisy at 'Living a Good North Coast Life' for her Reconnecting with Nature link-up.Living a Good North Coast Life


  1. Such interesting wildlife all over this earth! And I can relate to your missing the water....since moving to the desert, I REALLY miss the water!

    1. Strange how we are naturally pulled toward the ocean. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Great post and reflections on life on the sand

    1. We've had such a long cold winter, some beach time is definitely needed!

  3. Hi Tina! Thanks for linking up again.
    I don't think we get Fiddler Crabs here, of if we do l certainly haven't seen one before.
    Love how the girls choose a boy according to how big their claw is ;) Really interesting, l now know a bit more about Fiddler Crabs. Thanks again xx

    1. It is funny how different animals choose their mates. Certainly is interesting that the claw is what helps them choose a mate. Thanks for stopping by!
