Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A Dew-Covered Bearded Iris

Linking up with Chrisy at Living a Good North Coast Life for Reconnecting with Nature, one photograph at a time.

During last weeks' staycation, one of the places we went to was Cheekwood Botanical Gardens.  It's a local place and we go there frequently.  They have some awesome exhibits.  Right now there's an exhibit of 'stickwork', which you can read about here.  Unfortunately we were too late to see all the tulips in bloom, but we have seen that before.  It's fabulous, and you can see that here.  

What we did see last week were some bearded iris' covered in dew.
The day was pretty overcast, so the drops stayed on the foliage and created picture perfect conditions!

So pretty and delicate.


  1. This is a wonderful photo series. I always love droplets on leaves and petals.

    1. Thanks Betty! I love the way the water is hanging on and how it contrasts with the vibrant colors of the flowers. It also reminds me how beautiful it is when we stop and take a closer look at the simple things in live! Thanks for stopping by - and have a great day! Tina

  2. Gosh what an amazing flower, nature really never fails to impress does it?
    The Botanical Gardens look wonderful, love the stickwork exhibit.
    Thanks for continuing to link up with us, love getting glimpses into your part of the world. xx

    1. Sometimes It seems like nature is saying "hey, come look at this". "No, come a little closer" and when we listen, we are greatly rewarded. Hope your floodwaters are receding and all is well in your world! xo Tina
