Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Last spring we had this little house wren nesting in one of our bird houses.  Spring is almost here and I hope she comes back!

At our last house, we had a screen porch on the back of the house with a large hanging plant - a spider plant - hanging outside of the porch.  We had lots of these wrens in the yard all summer and they move around pretty quickly, so were used to hearing them chirp and flit around the yard.  One night at dusk we were sitting outside and watched as one after another of these wrens flew into the plant and bedded down for the night.  There were eleven of them and they actually did that every night.  They must have felt safe and secure in there!

House Wren   Troglodytes aedon
A plain brown bird with an effervescent voice, the House Wren is a common backyard bird over nearly the entire Western Hemisphere. Listen for its rush-and-jumble song in summer and you’ll find this species zipping through shrubs and low tree branches, snatching at insects. House Wrens will gladly use nestboxes, or you may find their twig-filled nests in old cans, boots, or boxes lying around in your garage.


  1. That is a sweet treat to sit and watch the little wrens making themselves at home with you

    1. They are so much fun to watch. And I loved having a little guest house just for them!

  2. How awesome is that? Such a sweet photo of her peaking out from the box.
    I had never heard of House Wrens before, they sound a bit like sparrows. Do you get sparrows where you live?
    Thanks for continuing to link up with Reconnect with Nature - l love seeing glimpses of your corner of the world. xx

    1. We do have sparrows Chrisy. Wrens are about the same length, with a flat tail and they're much fatter. Probably twice as big around as a sparrow. Enjoy your weekend!!

  3. A sure sign of spring! We have sparrows in the yucca tree....this is their third year with us!

    1. Yes - spring does seem to be arriving! Enjoy your sparrows!
